Origin of Mass 2012
Monday 28 May 2012 (08:00)
Friday 22 June 2012 (18:00)
Monday 28 May 2012
In prospect of the simplest composite Higgs mechanism
Julius Kuti
In prospect of the simplest composite Higgs mechanism
Julius Kuti
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
New lattice results for two massless fermions in the sextet representation of the SU(3) color gauge group are presented. Chiral symmetry breaking in the model is consistent with the simplest realization of the composite Higgs mechanism. The composite spectrum and the anomalous dimension of the fermion mass are discussed with outlook for phenomenological LHC analysis. For developing conformal tests, twelve fermion flavors in the fundamental SU(3) representation will be discussed.
Running, Walking and Jumping Dynamics
Francesco Sannino
Running, Walking and Jumping Dynamics
Francesco Sannino
14:00 - 15:00
Room: 132:028
Tuesday 29 May 2012
Light Asymmetric Dark Matter on the Lattice: SU(2) Technicolor with Two Fundamental Flavors
Randy Lewis
Light Asymmetric Dark Matter on the Lattice: SU(2) Technicolor with Two Fundamental Flavors
Randy Lewis
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
The SU(2) gauge theory with two massless Dirac flavors constitutes the building block of several models of Technicolor. Furthermore it has also been used as a template for the construction of a natural light asymmetric, or mixed type, dark matter candidate. We use explicit lattice simulations to confirm the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking by determining the Goldstone spectrum and therefore show that the dark matter candidate can, de facto, be constituted by a complex Goldstone boson. We also determine the phenomenologically relevant spin-one and spin-zero isovector spectrum and demonstrate that it is well separated from the Goldstone spectrum.
Reduced staggered fermions: four fermion operators and beyond
Simon Catterall
Reduced staggered fermions: four fermion operators and beyond
Simon Catterall
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 132:028
I will describe how reduced staggered fermions can be used to study candidate theories for dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking based on new strongly coupled dynamics. Two examples will be discussed; the construction and simulation of chirally invariant four fermion terms in a lattice verson of the gauged NJL model and a proposal for a lattice model that should generate a condensate which breaks both chiral symmetry and gauge invariance.
Wednesday 30 May 2012
Flavors and Cosmology from Extra Dimensions
Elisabetta Pallante
Flavors and Cosmology from Extra Dimensions
Elisabetta Pallante
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Thursday 31 May 2012
SU(2) with two adjoint fermions, Minimal Walking Technicolor
Antonio Rago
SU(2) with two adjoint fermions, Minimal Walking Technicolor
Antonio Rago
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
SU(2) with two Dirac flavors in the adjoint representation is believed to be an IR conformal theory. As a result, if perturbed with a mass for the fermions, the theory develops a mass gap and the entire mass spectrum scales with a fixed exponent of the perturbing mass. In this talk I will collect all the evidence for the IR behaviour of the theory that have been proposed by our group during the years. I will discuss the reliability of our findings, and the latest development to investigate the most phenomenologically relevant quantities.
Friday 1 June 2012
The top quark forward-backward asymmetry and new strong interactions
Alex Kagan
The top quark forward-backward asymmetry and new strong interactions
Alex Kagan
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Saturday 2 June 2012
Sunday 3 June 2012
Monday 4 June 2012
Axigluons from the top-down
Paul Langacker
Axigluons from the top-down
Paul Langacker
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Axigluons have been suggested as a possible explanation of the Tevatron top asymmetry. I discuss a number of theoretical issues that one encounters in trying to embed an axigluon in U(3) X U(3) or U(3)^n groups descending from classes of string constructions, such as type IIA. These include anomaly cancellation, the difficulty of generating Yukawa couplings using the most likely quantum numbers (they must be induced by higher-dimensional operators), possible family-nonuniversal magnitudes of couplings, the role of anomalous U(1) factors, the axigluon width, the decay modes and signatures of exotics needed for anomaly cancellation, and FCNC effects.
Technicolor at the LHC: an update
Sekhar Chivukula
Technicolor at the LHC: an update
Sekhar Chivukula
14:00 - 15:00
Room: 132:028
The LHC accelerator and the ATLAS and CMS detectors have performed spectacularly well. In this talk I will outline the current limits on various particles predicted in models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking, and the prospect for searches at 8 TeV this year.
Tuesday 5 June 2012
Astrophysical uncertainties in dark matter direct detection
Subir Sarkar
Astrophysical uncertainties in dark matter direct detection
Subir Sarkar
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Collider limits on dark matter and asymmetric dark matter phenomenology
Mads Frandsen
Collider limits on dark matter and asymmetric dark matter phenomenology
Mads Frandsen
15:00 - 16:00
Room: 132:028
Wednesday 6 June 2012
Topcolor: An Update
Elizabeth Simmons
Topcolor: An Update
Elizabeth Simmons
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
In dynamical models of electroweak symmetry breaking, one key challenge is providing the large mass of the top quark without causing large flavor-changing neutral currents or excessive weak isospin violation. Adding new strong dynamics that couples preferentially to the top quark is an interesting solution. This talk reviews the basic ideas of topcolor, topcolor-assisted technicolor, and top seesaw models and introduces the "top triangle moose" model as a low-energy effective theory that can interpolate between various models of this kind. Recent data from the Tevatron and the LHC is used to constrain the various new states (colorons, top-pions, composite higgs bosons, top partners) present in these models and suggest which model-building directions are the most promising.
Thursday 7 June 2012
Composite conformal dynamics
Francesco Sannino
Composite conformal dynamics
Francesco Sannino
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Friday 8 June 2012
Cornering Technicolor through unitarity, LEP, and LHC
Roshan Foadi
Cornering Technicolor through unitarity, LEP, and LHC
Roshan Foadi
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Technicolor with near conformal dynamics is a viable candidate for electroweak symmetry breaking. Based on the old LEP results, the most recent observations from ATLAS and CMS, and unitarity arguments, I will discuss the bounds on the lightest spin-one resonances
14:00 - 15:00
Room: 132:028
Saturday 9 June 2012
Sunday 10 June 2012
Monday 11 June 2012
Tuesday 12 June 2012
Wednesday 13 June 2012
Thursday 14 June 2012
Friday 15 June 2012
Saturday 16 June 2012
Sunday 17 June 2012
Monday 18 June 2012
Meson spectrum of a model field theory with walking gauge coupling
Rohana Wijewardhana
Meson spectrum of a model field theory with walking gauge coupling
Rohana Wijewardhana
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Tuesday 19 June 2012
Holography and Walking technicolor
Deog-Ki Hong
Holography and Walking technicolor
Deog-Ki Hong
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
We construct the holographic dual of walking technicolor (WTC). We then estimate the S parameter of WTC and analyze its spectrum, especially that of techni-dilaton, using the holographic dual.
Wednesday 20 June 2012
Jay Wacker
Jay Wacker
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Thursday 21 June 2012
Sizing the Conformal Window
Thomas Ryttov
Sizing the Conformal Window
Thomas Ryttov
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Friday 22 June 2012
Unitary Higgsless and Higgsful Standard Models from Spontaneous Dimensional Reduction and WW Scattering at LHC
Hong-Jian He
Unitary Higgsless and Higgsful Standard Models from Spontaneous Dimensional Reduction and WW Scattering at LHC
Hong-Jian He
11:00 - 12:00
Room: 132:028
Theories of quantum gravity predict spacetime dimensions to become reduced at high energies, a striking phenomenon known as spontaneous dimensional reduction (SDR). We construct an effective electroweak theory based on the minimal Higgsless standard model (SM) and incorporate the TeV-scale SDR, which is renormalizable and unitary. We further study an extension to the Higgsful SM under the TeV- scale SDR and with induced anomalous Higgs couplings to weak gauge bosons, which provides a natural solution to the hierarchy problem. We demonstrate that both the Higgsless and Higgsful SMs predict unitary longitudinal WW scattering, and can be discriminated from the conventional 4d SM by the WW scattering experiments at the CERN LHC.