Statistical Mechanics of Inference

Trondheim, Norway

Trondheim, Norway

John Hertz (NORDITA), Sara Solla (Northwestern University), Yasser Roudi

Background and other information


For several years, ideas from statistical mechanics have been used in developing inference techniques
useful for analyzing high dimensional data and for reverse engineering complex biological systems. In recent
years, technological advances in neural multi-electrode and gene micro-array recordings have resulted
in an increase in the number of elements that can be simultaneously observed in biological systems,
making the development of appropriate statistical analysis tools a very active field. These theoretical
techniques can be used on the experimental data to infer various properties of the underlying biological
network, e. g. the pattern of interaction between genes and neurons at a large scale.

This event is meant to gather scientists interested in applications of statistical mechanics in building
statistical inference techniques, and the use of such techniques for analysing high throughput
biological data.

The event is a followup of the workshop held last year in Mariehamn.


The meeting will take place in the seminar room in the 5th floor of
the MTFS building of the Faculty of Medicine of NTNU, located on
Olav Kyrres gate 9 shown in this map.

Accommodations for invited speakers are booked at Comfort Hotel Park
located on Prinsensgate 4A, Trondheim and shown in this map.

The hotel and the conference venue are both easily accessible from
Trondheim Airport. Just take the airport bus and, for the hotel, ask
the driver to drop you at Comfort Hotel Park in Prinsens gate, or
Samfundet (student union; a red round building) if you come directly from the airport
to the workshop venue.

Confirmed invited speakers

Silvio Franz Paris Bert Kappen Nijmegen
Peter Latham London Enzo Marinari Rome
Matteo Marsili Trieste Manfred Opper Berlin
David Saad Birmingham Ingve Simonsen Trondheim
Peter SollichLondon Mikko Alava Helsinki
Håkon TjelmelandTrondheim Gasper Tkacik Vienna
Wilson Truccolo Providence Riccardo ZecchinaTorino
Micheal Biehl Groningen Marc MezardParis


Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience