Hi ExtremeObject-people We should re-start the EO working group activities! We aim at new gatherings evey second Thursday 13.00-14.00 at the KTH meeitng room at floor 5. We start on February 9. We propose a new astro-ph like format with 3-4 relevant articles discussed each time, and then also a couple of standing points (Report from the OKC board, information on recent or upcoming meetings (as the MG13 meeting), and general discussions on the EO group). We (Jesper, Josefin, Francesco) volunteer to pick astro-ph papers and distrubute them to relevant reviewers (=you). The first time, February 9, Jesper, Josefin and Christoffer will talk about one paper each. The KTH:ers has volunteered to provide coffee and cakes for every meeting! If YOU want to discuss some recent paper, please do let us know. Best regards, Jesper ps. The email list is rather old. If you want to be taken off the lost - or want someone added to the list, please do let me know. js.