AlbaNova and Nordita Colloquium 2011

Cosmology and the Large Hadron Collider

by Valery Rubakov (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow)



The Large Hadron Collider aims at revealing physics at energies in the TeV range and distance scales shorter than 10^(-17) cm. In the cosmological context, this physics is responsible for the properties of the cosmic medium at temperatures exceeding 100 GeV, which correspond to times less than 10^(-10) seconds after the Big Bang. It is conceivable that this was the epoch of the generation of dark matter and/or matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. Thus, the LHC may well shed light on these long-standing cosmological problems. We discuss several popular scenarios for the generation of dark matter and/or matter-antimatter asymmetry, which will be confirmed (hopefully) or ruled out by the LHC.