Nordita Recruitment Presentations

Towards a quantum treatment of leptogenesis

by Mr Mathias Garny (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)

Nordita West Seminar Room

Nordita West Seminar Room


Two of the most profound open questions within particle physics arise from cosmological observations: the origin of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe and the identity of dark matter. Both observations can be accommodated by extending the Standard Model of particle physics.

In this talk, I discuss leptogenesis which is an attractive mechanism for explaining the baryon asymmetry, and provides interesting links between cosmology and neutrino physics.

However, the predictions depend on an accurate calculation of the generated asymmetry in terms of the fundamental masses and couplings.

I present progress towards this goal based on a first-principle approach, that is applicable to the phenomenologically interesting case of resonant leptogenesis.