Stockholm Bioinformatics Center seminars

Agreement between proteome and transcriptome: a study of correlation between two large-scale datasets

by Mr Gabriel Östlund (SBC. Stockholm University)



With the human genome sequenced much effort is put into elucidating the interactions and functions of the encoded proteins. This has been done focusing on both the proteome and the transcriptome with analysis of e.g. co-expression, co-localization and tissue profiling. How mRNA expression correlates with relative protein amounts could be of utmost importance e.g. when using protein co-expression as an indicator of protein functional coupling. Pairwise correlations at the gene level were generated for two datasets. One data set of antibody-based tissue profiling of proteins, from the human protein atlas, and one of tissue-specific patterns of mRNA expression, from the GNF transcriptome atlas. This was done using Pearson- and Spearman correlations as well as mutual information. Finally the correlation between the two datasets was calculated, revealing a moderate correlation which was nevertheless significantly higher than random simulations.