Stockholm Bioinformatics Center seminars

Probabilistic analysis of orthology relations and duplication and loss rates two case studies

by Jens Lagergren (SBC/CSC)

RB35 (Seminar room RB35)


Seminar room RB35

Roslagstullsbacken 35, the SBC house
I have together with collaborators at SBC developed probabilistic models of and tools for analyzing evolution of gene families with respect to duplication and losses. Recently, there has been a number of articles focusing on similar tools for allele sorting or applying less sophisticated tools in studies of duplications among primates. I will discuss our model and tools but focus on a recent analysis of the major histocompatibility complex class 1 (MHC) gene family and a ATB-binding cassette transporter gene family, namely, subfamily A (ABCA). This is based on joint work with Bengt Sennblad.