Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
The above team of organizers is identical with the current Board of the
Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division (SNPD) of
EPS (the European Physical Society).
This will be the 2nd conference of the EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division, connected with the award of the EPS Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Prize. The previous conference, where the prize was awarded for the first time, was in Krakow in 2017.
For informal enquiries about this joint EPS-Nordita conference, contact the chair, Prof. Christian Beck (
Statistical mechanics provides a universal formalism to understand the behavior of a variety of complex systems on a variety of spatio-temporal scales. This conference will deal with a selection of the most recent developments and cutting edge scientific research topics within the general area of nonequilibrium statistical physics, stochastic modelling, complex networks, nonlinear dynamical systems, chaos and turbulence, disordered quantum systems and spin glasses, phase transitions and critical phenomena, and interdisciplinary applications in physics, biology, economics, and the social sciences. There will be ample opportunity for informal discussions and interdisciplinary interaction between people from different scientific backgrounds within the broad area of statistical and nonlinear physics.
The conference will include a number of topical areas that represent major recent developments in the field, such as recent progress in stochastic thermodynamics, fluctuation theorems, non-equilibrium systems and entropy production, small complex systems, quantum thermodynamics, billiards and deterministic diffusion, anomalous diffusion processes, superstatistical processes, large deviation theory, long-range interactions, extreme events, multiplex and multilayer complex networks, time-evolving complex networks and their applications. The plan is to allow for a fruitful exchange of ideas between different subject areas. Possible adoption and further refinement of useful techniques of statistical physics in an interdisciplinary setting will be a major goal. In addition there will also be a special symposium session on a more applied topic: For 2019 we have chosen the topic "Statistical Physics of Power Grids", an area in which many people have recently started to work in, and where statistical physics methods can be very usefully applied to better understand the effect of renewables and trading in present and future power grids.
* It is with great sadness that we have received the news that Christian Van den Broeck has passed away in February 2019.
This prestiguous prize of the EPS Statistical Nonlinear Physics Division was created and awarded for the first time in 2017. It is given out every 2 years. The 2019 prize was awarded during the conference in Stockholm to Sergio Ciliberto (ENS Lyon) and Satya Majumdar (Paris-Sud). The 2019 EPS-SNPD Early Career Prize went to Karel Proesmans (Hasselt) and Valentina Ros (ENS Paris). Congratulations to all prize winners. More details on the prize winners at the website of the Statistical and Nonlinear Physics Division (SNPD) of EPS (the European Physical Society).
Prize winners were selected by the selection Committee in February 2019, in consultation with the scientific community. The call for nominations was open until 31 January 2019. In 2017 the two senior prize winners were Itamar Procaccia and Peter Grassberger. The two junior ones were Laura Foini and Edgar Roldan.
Photos from the Award Ceremony
Photos -- talks
Photos -- boat trip and coffee breaks
The invited speakers for this special 2-hour session on the statistics of frequency fluctuations in the power grid, with particular emphasis on statistical physics methods for renewables (wind and solar), demand response, storage and transmission will be Martin Greiner (Aarhus), Simona Olmi (ISC), Joachim Peinke (Oldenburg), Benjamin Schaefer (Dresden).
A timetable of the conference
with all scheduled talks (invited and contributed) can be
found here.
Click on 'invited talks' to see more detail for the invited sessions.
Click on 'contributed talks' to see the schedule of the individual contributed talks.
Contributed talks are in two parallel sessions.
Invited talks
Contributed talks and posters
List of participants
There was a dedicated poster session at a prime time of the conference (Wednesday 14:00-16:00). Poster format: not be bigger than DIN A0 (0.84m width x 1.19m height). There were 3 poster prizes awarded by the journal EPL,
worth 200 Euro, 100 Euro, and 50 Euro.
The EPL poster prizes went to: Sarah A.M. Loos and Simon M. Hermann (TU Berlin) (1st prize shared), Boris Timchenko (Technion, Haifa) (2nd prize), and Benjamin Walter (Imperial College London) (3rd prize).
Map over the Archipelago
Google Maps to Nybrokajen
Participation of PhD students and young postdocs is strongly encouraged. We plan that also some young people at the beginning of their career will be given the chance of a short oral presentation (to be selected out of the poster contributions, deadline for this was 25 January). Young scientists also have the possibility to apply for some limited financial support from EPS. Please e-mail explaining your circumstances. EPS Young Minds provides a few bursaries to students to attend this conference.
Regular participant: 440 Euro
EPS member: 330 Euro
PhD student or young postdoc (<2 years from PhD): 275 Euro
PhD student or young postdoc that is EPS member: 220 Euro
If you paid before 15 February you had an Early Bird 9% discount on this.
The conference fee includes coffee breaks, lunch snacks (Tue-Fri), welcome reception, and the boat trip with conference dinner.
If you need a receipt for your paid fee, contact
Please pay the conference fee by bank transfer (within 2 weeks of registration) to:
Bank name: BNP PARIBAS Alsace Franche Comte
Bank address: 2 rue de Berne F-67300 Schiltigheim
Account holder: European Physical Society
IBAN: FR76 3000 4004 4000 0100 5837 476,
reference: your name SPCS19 Stockholm
For alternative payment methods by credit card, contact Ms Ophelia Fornari at EPS (
State the name and address of your institute and the amount you wish to pay by card.
To benefit from the reduced EPS conference fee, there is the possibility to become an EPS member.
To register for this conference, please fill in and submit the application form on the left panel (registration is now closed).
After receiving a confirmation message from the organisers, you may upload an abstract of your contribution at the EasyChair website. If you don't have an account yet on the EasyChair website, just create one at the above link. The abstract should be no longer than half a page. If possible please provide us with the LaTeX source file of your abstract (preferred) or alternatively, PDF.
25 January 2019: Abstract submission deadline (if you wish to be considered for a contributed talk)
31 January 2019: Notification if your submission could be accepted as a talk (if not it will be a poster)
15 February 2019: Last day of early bird rate of registration fee (this gave a 9% discount)
After this date, it was still possible to register (and submit an abstract) but contributions would normally be a poster.
06 May 2019: Arrival day
07 May 2019, 9am: Start of conference
11 May 2019, 1pm: End of conference
Nordita can provide a limited number of rooms and apartments in the Stockholm apartment hotel BizApartments. If you were interested in this accomodation, and indicated it when registering, then Nordita has reserved something suitable for you and should have informed you about it. If you have questions about your accommodation, please contact the Nordita scientific programme manager Anastasios Mentesidis ( who will be able to help.
(This option is not available to new registrants who registered after 15 February. Late registrants should organize their hotel accommodation themselves.)