OKC BSM meeting (in A5:1041 and on zoom)
Thursday 16 February 2023 -
Monday 13 February 2023
Tuesday 14 February 2023
Wednesday 15 February 2023
Thursday 16 February 2023
Brief intro
Christian Ohm
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Timothy Linden
Stockholm University
Brief intro
Christian Ohm
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Timothy Linden
Stockholm University
10:00 - 10:05
Room: AlbaNova A5:1041 - CoPS grupprum
Hunting axions with metamaterials: the ALPHA haloscope
Andrea Gallo Rosso
Stockholm University
Hunting axions with metamaterials: the ALPHA haloscope
Andrea Gallo Rosso
Stockholm University
10:05 - 10:45
Room: AlbaNova A5:1041 - CoPS grupprum
I will introduce the axion problem and present how metamaterials can be used for a direct search, with explicit reference to the ALPHA haloscope. Finally, I will discuss some of the possible algorithms for data acquisition and analysis.