OKC BSM Meeting: Dissecting the gamma-ray Galactic Center Excess

FB42 (AlbaNova Main Building)


AlbaNova Main Building

We have Silvia Manconi visiting and giving a talk. You find the abstract below. 
Silvia is in Stockholm already since yesterday (Wed 14th June) and she will stay until Tuesday after the talk. 
Zoom: https://kth-se.zoom.us/j/104167778?pwd=b3EzTWJKTkJibmVnNFZLYllUNklPUT09
Dissecting the gamma-ray Galactic Center Excess
What’s the Galactic Center Excess in Fermi-LAT gamma-ray data? How come it kept busy astroparticle physicists within the last 10 years as a potential dark matter signal? In the first part of the talk I will address these two questions and give an overview addressed mostly to non-experts on the topic.
I will then give an overview on the current debate, illustrating the latest theoretical and methodological developments, as well as their consequences for the interpretation of the excess. I will focus on recent efforts to minimize the mismodeling coming from the interstellar background emission by combining adaptive template fitting and pixel count statistics, in order to robustly assess the role of sub-threshold gamma-ray point sources in the inner Galaxy. This second part  will be concluded with some personal perspective for the future years, and hopefully stimulate a discussion session after the talk.



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