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Electron-Ion Collisions of Highly Charged Ions in the ESR and CRYRING@ESR Heavy-Ion Storage Rings

by Prof. Stefan Schippers (Justus-Liebig University, Giessen)

FB54 (AlbaNova Main Building)


AlbaNova Main Building


Electron-impact ionization of ions and electron-ion recombination are important electron ion-collision processes that govern the charge balance of plasmas. Moreover, the formation of resonances that occurs in these process can be exploited for the spectroscopy of multiply excited levels in atomic ions. This electron-ion collision spectroscopy is particulary competitive for highly charged ions where lasers are not available for the large transition energies involved. Consequently, electron-ion collision spectroscopy via dielectronic recombination is a central part of the atomic physics program at GSI/FAIR. In my talk I will introduce the technique and discuss the latest results from the storage rings ESR and CRYRING@ESR. I will also mention related work on electron-impact ionization of ions that is carried out at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen.

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