Astronomy Seminars

Star formation at the smallest scales across cosmic times: the study of star clusters and clumps from nearby galaxies to the cosmic dawn

by Dr Matteo Messa (Bologna)

FC61 (AlbaNova Main Building)


AlbaNova Main Building

Zoom ID: 622 1126 9644

Star clusters and their larger-scale associations, usually referred to as “clumps”, are ubiquitously observed in nearby star-forming galaxies and are able to affect their host galaxies at much larger scales than their own (via stellar feedback from massive stars). Recent studies have exploited the power of gravitational lensing to characterise clusters and clumps in high-redshift systems, where they may be major contributors to the re-ionisation process and to the build-up of galaxies themselves. In particular, some high-z systems with large magnifications are allowing to shed light on the detailed sub-galactic structures of young and bursty galaxies (dominating the galaxy population at z>6): their study down to ~10 pc scales reveals the presence of Lyman-continuum leakers, intense nebular lines emission and extremely metal-poor regions (Z<1% Z_sun). At the same time, while the sample of high-z lensed systems studied is quickly increasing (especially thanks to the advent of the JWST), we can study the redshift evolution of the sub-galactic scale star-formation in a statistically significant way.

Zoom ID: 622 1126 9644