A glimpse into the NC world of Enterococcus faecalis
Aymeric Fouquier d'Hérouël
Seminar room RB35 (Roslagstullsbacken 35, the SBC house)
Seminar room RB35 (Roslagstullsbacken 35, the SBC house)
Nosocomial infections are often due to microbial strains with high
resistence to anti-microbial agents emerging from the artificial
selection pressure in hospital environments. A commonly involved
bacteria is E. faecalis, causing a variety of infections in the
urinary tract as well as life threatening endocarditis. In addision to
the clinically induced one, the natural resistence of E. faecalis
to common antibiotics makes it a hard case to treat.
In this talk I present an ongoing bioinformatical and experimental
approach to identify putative non-coding RNA genes as well as their
targets on the pathogen's genome, possibly yielding new ways of
treatment. A brief overview of the main ncRNA mechanisms is also given.