Nordita seminar

The general problem of decoherence in disordered systems and its application to superconductor-insulator transition

by Lev Ioffe (Rutgers University)



I begin with a general introduction to the problem posed by decoherence in disordered quantum systems which are composed entirely of local elements (spins, localized electrons, etc). I will argue that one of the most straightforward applications of this problem is the properties of paired insulators that appear when the superconductivity is destroyed by disorder in bulk materials or in Josephson arrays characterized by large charging energy. I will reviewing the experimental data on the superconductor-insulator transition in InO, TiN and similar films and argue that the transition in these materials is driven entirely by the competition of the disorder and attraction. I will discuss the solution of the simplest mathematical model that has these ingredients and show that the resulting quantum critical point and disordered phase has many anomalous and unexpected features. I will present very recent data that confirm some of the predictions of the theory.