Complex systems and Biological physics seminar [before December 2013]

A statistical mechanics perspective on immune networks

by Elena Agliari (University of Parma)

We present some recent investigations on systemic features of the immune system, based on a statistical mechanics approach. After a streamlined introduction on the immune system, we introduce a spin-glass model for the interaction between T lymphocytes and B lymphocytes; such a model is able to mimic, as emerging properties, several collective phenomena shown by real systems (e.g. the self/non-self distrimination, the breakdown of immunosurveillance by lymphocyte unbalance, the capability of fighting several pathogens simultaneously). We also show that this system can be mapped into a (multitasking) associative neural network, where T cells directly interact with each other and are able to orchestrate an immune response retrieving (several) "strategies" previously learnt.