Stochastic cell lineage model under feedback control
Yucheng Hu(Tsinghua University)
As the functional unit of life, cells in multicellular organism tend to organise themselves in lineage, i.e., from stem cells to committed progenitor cells to terminal cells. To survive, cell lineage systems need to be precise (keep the right amount of cells at the right time) and robust (self-adjust to environmental change). A fundamental question in biology is to understand how these goals are achieved.
With the support from recent experiments, we propose that the cells in a lineage system behave stochastically in individual level but collectively in population level, and it is the feedback among different sub-populations that are regulating the lineage system. In this talk, I am going to discuss our on-going research about the modelling and simulation of stochastic cell lineage systems under feedback regulation. The purpose is to show that, precise and robust can be achieved in a biological tissue under feedback control.