OKC colloquia

Effects of the stochastic growth of angular momentum in the evolution of galaxies.

by N. Padilla (Pontificia Universidad Catolica in Chile)



Dark matter (DM) haloes, the cradles where galaxies form and evolve, acquire angular momentum in a stochastic way which results in a final non-zero DM adimensional spin parameter. We will see how this process translates into the ability of the galaxy, living in this DM halo, to form stars. To do this we will first measure this stochasticity from the Millennium II simulation, and then see how it affects the properties of the disc of baryons that forms in the center of a DM halo. We will see that the smooth infall of matter comes in chunks with almost, but not quite, random angular momenta, which affects the ability of a disc to form stars and also the frequency of instabilities in the disc leading to the formation of bars and pseudo-bulges, constituting an episodic disc creation.