Bistable CpG-islands in an open sea of methylation
Cecilia Lövkvist(Niels Bohr Institute)
RB35 (House 16, AlbaNova campus)
House 16, AlbaNova campus
Roslagstullsbacken 35, Stockholm, Sweden
Stable inheritance of methylated CpG islands is needed for maintaining early developmental decisions in vertebrae. After replication maintenance methylases are turning hemi-methylated CpGs back to fully methylated and de novo methylases are turning unmethylated CpGs into hemi-methylated. The standard model proposes the methylases to act independently on the CpGs, however stochastic simulations shows that a stable methylation is not maintained with this property. Result from simulations for many generations is inconsistent with many experiments and observations. We therefore propose a collaborative model were CpGs are dependent on the surrounding CpGs. The dynamic collaboration between the CpG sites gives a stable bimodal pattern for the CpG-islands which is more consistent with experimental results. Additionally, the majority of the CpGs outside CpG-islands are often methylated. We find that demethylation is needed for keeping a bimodal pattern for a CpG-island within an open sea of methylated CpGs.