25–27 Feb 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The dark side of the network: mean-field, belief-propagation and replicas for learning a kinetic Ising model with hidden nodes

25 Feb 2015, 14:00
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Yasser Roudi (Nordita)


Our observations from complex systems e.g. financial, neuronal or gene regulatory networks are always done in the presence of hidden nodes. This means that, we only see a part of the network at any given time: we can record from only a fraction of neurons in a cortical network, or have access to data from only a part of the market. This raises the question of what we can say about this hidden nodes, and if their presence can be included on modeling the high-throughput data collected from these complex systems. Focusing on the kinetic Ising model as a prototypical problem for learning and inference in kinetic models, in this talk, I will describe how approximations based on mean-field theory, belief propagation and replicas can be used to recovering connections from partial observations in this network. This work is based on Dunn and Roudi, PRE 2013 Battistin, Hertz, Tyrcha and Roudi 2014 arXiv 1412.1727

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