25–27 Feb 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Logarithmic time evolution in hitchhiker dynamics and interacting many-body systems

25 Feb 2015, 10:30
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Tobias Ambjörnsson (Lund University)


There exists compelling experimental evidence in numerous systems for logarithmically slow time evolution, yet its full theoretical understanding remains elusive. In this talk two examples of systems displaying logarithmic time evolutions will be discussed. First, we consider, pictorially, a hitchhiker traveling through a series of towns [1]. In each town, traffic starts in the morning, and friendly drivers (persons willing to pick up our hitchhiker) appear at random intervals governed by a waiting time density, psi(tau). The hitchhiker typically arrives to a new town in between two friendly drivers showing up, and the delay time, i.e., the time the hitchhiker actually has to wait until the next ride, is non-trivially related to the interarrival times of friendly drivers. For heavy-tailed psi(tau) we show that the expected number of towns visited increase logarithmically with time, t. Also for medium-tailed psi(tau) we find interesting behaviour. Second, we study a labelled particle in a generic system of identical particles with hard-core interactions in a strongly disordered environment [2]. The disorder is manifested through intermittent motion with scale-free sticking times at the single particle level, i.e. a continuous time random walk with a power-law exponent between 0 and 1. We demonstrate that the combination of the disordered environment with the many-body interactions leads to an ultraslow, logarithmic dynamics -- the tracer particle's mean square displacement increase as the square root of the logarithm of time. [1] Michael A. Lomholt, Ludvig Lizana, Ralf Metzler, and Tobias Ambjörnsson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 208301 (2013). [2] Lloyd P Sanders, Michael A Lomholt, Ludvig Lizana, Karl Fogelmark, Ralf Metzler and Tobias Ambjörnsson, New J. Phys. 16, 113050 (2014).

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