25–27 Feb 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

A model for gyrotactic pattern formation of motile micro-organisms in turbulence

25 Feb 2015, 16:00
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Bernhard Mehlig (University of Gothenburg)


Recent studies show that spherical motile micro-organisms in turbulence subject to gravitational torques gather in down-welling regions of the turbulent flow. By analysing a statistical model we analytically compute how shape affects this preferential sampling and small-scale spatial clustering (determining local encounter rates). By recursively refining approximations for the paths the organisms take through the flow we determine how preferential sampling and small-scale clustering in the model depend upon the dimensionless parameters of the problem. We show that singularities ("caustics") affect the dynamics of motile micro-organisms. Joint work with K. Gustavsson, F. Berglund, and P.R. Jonsson.

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