25–27 Feb 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

The change in the von Neumann entropy of a bath interacting with a driven quantum system

27 Feb 2015, 11:15
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Prof. Erik Aurell (KTH)


We compute the change of the von Neumann entropy of a bath coupled to an externally driven quantum system by adapting the formalism of Feynman and Vernon (1963). This quantity has been proposed as a possible extension of classical entropy production in the environment to the quantum domain (Esposito, Lindenberg, Van den Broeck 2010; Pucci, Esposito, Peliti 2013). In general we find that this entropy change is the (quantum) expectation value of three functionals over the forward and reversed paths in the Feynman-Vernon formalism. The classical limit of these functionals partly reproduces the well-known classical entropy production in the environment of a Kramers-Langevin process, and partly gives rise to new terms which have no analogous in stochastic thermodynamics. We do not at this time have a clear understanding of the physical meaning of these terms. This is joint work with Ralf Eichhorn, available as arXiv:1412.7029.

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