25–27 Feb 2015
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Thermodynamics of work in open quantum systems

27 Feb 2015, 10:30
132:028 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Tapio Ala-Nissilä (Aalto University)


Fluctuation relations provide a powerful way to study the stochastic nature of fluctuating thermodynamic variables, such as (free) energy, entropy, heat and work in small systems driven beyond the linear response regime [1]. In driven classical systems, the fluctuating work and its distribution play an important role in the relevant fluctuation relations. However, attempts to generalize the concept of work to open quantum systems have met with some difficulties. The main problem in quantum mechanics is that there is no unique work operator, since for irreversible processes work depends both on the state of the system as well as the path taken. I will discuss some recent progress in defining work and its moments for quantum systems within the two-measurement protocol (TMP) approach, which for isolated systems coincides with the classical definition of work in the appropriate limit. In particular, I will show that using the TMP within the Linblad master equation formalism allows one to derive (i) a general integral fluctuation relation and (ii) moments of work for weakly or nearly adiabatically driven, open quantum systems [2,3]. 1. M. Esposito, U. Harbola, and S. Mukamel, Rev. Mod. Phys. vol. 81, 1665 (2009). 2. S. Suomela, J. Salmilehto, I.G. Savenko, T. Ala-Nissila, and M. Möttönen, Phys. Rev. E vol. 91, 022126 (2015). 3. S. Suomela, P. Solinas, J.P. Pekola, J. Ankerhold, and T. Ala-Nissila, Phys. Rev. B vol. 90, 094304 (2014).

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