Complex Systems and Biological Physics Seminars

An alternate view of complexity in k-SAT problems

by Prof. Supriya Krishnamurthy (SU Physics)

The satisfiability threshold for constraint satisfaction problems is that value of the ratio of constraints (or clauses) to variables, above which the probability that a random instance of the problem has a solution is zero in the large system limit. Two different approaches to obtaining this (satisfiability) threshold have been discussed in the literature - using first or second-moment methods which give rigorous bounds or using the non-rigorous but powerful replica-symmetry breaking (RSB) approach, which gives very accurate predictions on random graphs. A key assumption in the RSB approach is that the ground state structure of this class of problems exhibits clustering, and a key quantity is hence the logarithm of the number of solution clusters. This quantity is called the 'complexity'.
In this talk, we will lay out a different route to obtaining the satisfiability threshold on a Bethe lattice. We need make no assumptions about the solution-space structure, but despite this, our expressions and threshold values exactly match the best predictions of the RSB approach for all variants of the k-SAT problem. Our method hence provides alternate interpretations as well as motivations for the key equations in the RSB approach.