2–27 May 2016
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Feynman Path Integrals over Matrix Product States

6 May 2016, 11:15
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Andrew Green


Tensor networks embody deep insights about the entanglement structure of many-body quantum systems. In one dimension, they have led to algorithms that can determine groundstates and follow time evolution with remarkable precision. Entanglement is treated in a very different way in field theories of quantum systems.  These are constructed in such a way that the saddle points do not support entanglement – which is introduced by instanton or fluctuation corrections.  We lift some of the insights about entanglement structure from tensor networks to field theory. Our approach is to explicitly construct a field integral for the partition function over matrix product states, rather than coherent states. The saddle points of such a theory support entanglement in a way that bears interesting comparison with fluctuation and instanton corrections to the usual field theory. In contrast to numerical applications of tensor networks, where the bond order is increased until a certain degree of accuracy is attained, in this field theoretical application, qualitatively new features appear even at low bond order. We demonstrate this by discussing the field theory of certain deconfined quantum critical points.

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