2–27 May 2016
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

New Fermions

13 May 2016, 10:00
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Bogdan Bernevig


In quantum field theory, we learn that fermions come in three varieties: Majorana, Weyl, and Dirac. In this paper, we show that this is not a complete classification. We find the types of crystal symmetry-protected free fermionic excitations that can occur in condensed matter systems, going beyond the classification of Majorana, Weyl, and Dirac particles. We exhaustively classify linear and quadratic 3-, 6- and 8- band crossings stabilized by space group symmetries in solid state systems with spin-orbit coupling and time-reversal symmetry. Several distinct types of fermions arise, differentiated by their degeneracies at and along high symmetry points, lines, and surfaces. For each new class of fermion, we analyze its topological properties by constructing the low-energy effective Hamiltonian and comment on any possible experimental signatures. Some notable consequences of these fermions are the presence of Fermi arcs in non-Weyl systems, the fermionic spin-1 generalization of a Weyl fermion, and the existence of Dirac lines. In addition, we present 18 candidate materials that should realize these exotic fermions, as verified by ab-initio calculations. We also present holographic fermions - fermions that can appear only at the boundary of higher dimensional insulators, and show that their connectivity in the Brillouin zone is described by an extension of Group Cohomology to the Brillouin zone. For all these systems we present realistic materials.

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