Grid based bioinformatics challenges in Life sciences
Prof.Luciano Milanesi(Institute of Biomedical Technologies CNR)
Professor Luciano Milanesi is the head of the Bioinformatics and
Molecular Modelling Division of the Institute of Biomedical
Technologies CNR (CNR-ITB), and group leader for the Bioinformatics
at CISI “Centre for Bio-molecular Interdisciplinary Studies and
Industrial applications”.
He is the author of more than 140
publications in the field of Bioinformatics, Systems Biology and
Medical Informatics. Prof Milanesi is one of the leading
investigators in the area of HPC and Grid Biocomputing applications
in Life Science.
He is the coordinator of the European BIOINFOGRID
project: “Bioinformatics Grid Applications for life science”, and
of the Italian LITBIO project: “Laboratory of Bioinformatics
Technologies”, and CNR representative in the EGEE II European Project.