25–28 May 2016
Mariehamn, Åland
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Quantum trajectories and hindsight quantum states

28 May 2016, 10:45
Mariehamn, Åland

Mariehamn, Åland


Prof. Klaus Mølmer (Aarhus)


The state of a quantum system is described by a wavefunction evolving in time according to the Schroedinger equation. If a measurement is carried out on the system, its wave function collapses, i.e., it changes according to the random outcome of the measurement. During a sequence of measurements on a single system, its quantum state thus follows a stochastic trajectory composed of the normal quantum mechanical time evolution interrupted by collapses at each measurement. The resulting state of the system, at any time, successfully predicts the probabilities and mean values for the measurement of physical observables. In this talk we ask whether the sequence of measurements also adds to our knowledge about the state of the system at earlier times during the experiment. I shall show how such “hindsight” knowledge can be formally defined in quantum mechanics and how we can represent it via a time evolving (past) state, which at any time depends on both earlier and later measurement outcomes. I will show applications of this theory to experiments on atoms and superconducting qubits, and I will discuss how the concept and formalism of hindsight quantum states relate to questions of more foundational character.

Primary author

Prof. Klaus Mølmer (Aarhus)

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