25–28 May 2016
Mariehamn, Åland
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Photonic Maxwell's Demon

28 May 2016, 11:30
Mariehamn, Åland

Mariehamn, Åland


Mr Mihai-Dorian Vidrighin (Oxford)


I will present a photonics experiment that can be understood as an example of Maxwell’s demon. In this experiment we showed that a measurement at the few-photons level performed on intense thermal light modes allows, by employing an operation conditional on measurement outcomes, the creation of an intensity unbalance, which we used to extract measurable work into an electric circuit. In order to interpret the experiment from a thermodynamic stand-point, we derived an equality relating work extraction to information acquired by measurement, which is to our knowledge novel. We obtained a bound on extractable work using this relation and compared it with experimental results. Our work puts forward photonics systems as a platform for experiments related to information in thermodynamics. In future work we aim to include the effects of quantum correlations in similar setups.

Primary author

Mr Mihai-Dorian Vidrighin (Oxford)

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