25–28 May 2016
Mariehamn, Åland
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Adiabatic state control in a three-level system

26 May 2016, 10:45
Mariehamn, Åland

Mariehamn, Åland


Prof. Sorin Paraoanu (Aalto)


The adiabatic manipulation of quantum states is a powerful technique from quantum optics and atomic physics. Previous work on the Autler-Townes effect in superconducting phase qutrits [1], on Stueckelberg interference [2], and on the effect of motional averaging in transmons [3] has added evidence that superconducting circuits truly behave as controllable artificial atoms. Here we benchmark the stimulated Raman adiabatic passage process for circuit quantum electrodynamics, by using the first three levels of a transmon qubit [4]. To realize this coherent transfer, we use two adiabatic Gaussian-shaped control microwave pulses coupled to the first and the second transition. In this ladder configuration, we measure a population transfer efficiency above 80% between the ground state and the second excited state. The advantage of this technique is robustness against errors in the timing of the control pulses. By doing quantum tomography at successive moments during the Raman pulses, we investigate the transfer of the population in time-domain. We also show that this protocol can be reversed by applying a third adiabatic pulse. Furthermore, we study the effect of applying the adiabatic Raman sequence to a superposition between the ground and the first excited state, and we present experimental results for the case of a quasi-degenerate intermediate level. The result is one step towards the realization of holonomic quantum computing and quantum simulators with superconducting circuits [5].
[1] Mika A. Sillanpää, et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, (2009) 193601; Jian Li et. al., Phys. Rev. B 84, (2011) 104527; Jian Li et. al. , Sci. Rep. 2, 645 (2012).
[2] M.P. Silveri, K.S. Kumar, J. Tuorila, J. Li, A. Vepsäläinen, E.V. Thuneberg, G.S. Paraoanu, New J. Phys. 17, 043058 (2015).
[3] Jian Li, M. P. Silveri, K. S. Kumar, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. Vepsäläinen, W. C. Chien, J. Tuorila, M. A. Sillanpää, P. J. Hakonen, E. V. Thuneberg, G. S. Paraoanu, Nat. Commun. 4, 1420 (2013).
[4] K. S. Kumar, A. Vepsalainen, S. Danilin, G. S. Paraoanu, Nat. Commun. 7, 10628 (2016).
[5] G. S. Paraoanu, Recent progress in quantum simulation using superconducting circuits, J. Low. Temp. Phys. 175, 633-654 (2014) .

Primary author

Prof. Sorin Paraoanu (Aalto)

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