On this meeting, Paolo, Josh and I, will lead the discussion based on our work: http://arxiv.org/abs/1512.03316
This discussion will continue also on the following Thursday Jan 28.
On the first meeting the discussions will be mostly on an introductory level, while on the second meeting more technical aspects will be discussed.
Overall the discussion will be about:
- Symmetries that leave the action invariant and their different realizations.
- Spontaneously broken symmetries, gauge symmetries and their low-energy implications.
- How tree level, on-shell gauge invariance can be used to fully determine the leading, sub-leading, and sub-sub-leading behaviors of soft gravitons as well as soft “gravity dilatons”; i.e. the dilatons that appear in theories of (super)gravity and in string theories.
- How Ward-identies of conformal symmetry can be used to fully determine the leading, sub-leading, and sub-sub-leading behaviors of soft Nambu-Goldstone dilatons that generically appear in theories of spontaneously broken conformal symmetry.
- How the soft behavior of gravity dilatons and Nambu-Goldstone dilatons are related.
Best Regards,