Ground state degeneracy is an important characteristic of
order. It is a natural question under what conditions such
degeneracy extends to higher energy states or even to the
full energy
spectrum of a model, in such a way that the degeneracy is
when the Hamiltonian of the system is perturbed. It appears that
Ising/Majorana wires have this property due to the presence
of robust
edge zero modes. Generalized wire models based on
parafermions also
have edge zero modes and topological degeneracy at special
points in
parameter space, but the stability of these modes is a much
intricate question, and generically the zero modes are
spoilt by the
presence of resonances between bands in the unpertrbed
model. Both the
Majorana and parafermionic models are part of a large class
of chain
models with edge modes, based on tensor categories. It is
natural to
ask which of these have stable edge zero modes and/or full