The structure of the temperate region of the F-model with domain-wall boundaries
Jules Lamers(Mathematics Department Chalmers)
The F-model for 'antiferroelectric' materials is a particular case (a = b < c) of the six-vertex model from statistical physics. Domain walls are a particularly interesting choice of boundary conditions that allow for a lot of analytic control, both at finite size and for macroscopically large systems. To complement results obtained from quantum integrability and other techniques, R. Keesman and I have performed a numerical (Monte-Carlo) study for moderate system size, up to L = 512. Our data are perfectly consistent with known exact results, and uncover an intricate structure in the 'temperate region'. In this seminar I plan to give a white-board introduction to the model and what is needed in order to appreciate the pictures that I will present towards the end. Based on arXiv:1702.00xxx.