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High dimensional frequency bin entanglement applications

3 Apr 2019, 15:00
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Jean-Marc Merolla


Jean-Marc Merolla

High dimensional frequency bin entanglement applications

The use of high-dimensional entangled states is a key enabler for high- capacity quantum communications and key distribution [Dad11,Bar08], quantum computation [Bar08], information processing [Kre14]. For the success of these quantum photonic applications [Ali16], high visibility quantum interference and high integration is essential. Among the different degrees of freedom of photons, time-energy entangled photon pairs at telecommunication wavelengths allows the implementation of high visibility experiments and are especially well suited for integration with the current fiber optic infrastructure [Rog2016]. Many experiments exploits the concept of time bins, in which the photons are detected at discrete times [Dyn09], because the time-bin entangled states are robust with respect to the decoherence over large distances. Since 2010 [Oli10,Oli12,Oli14] our group has introduced the concept of frequency bin entanglement and, for the first time, we have demonstrated Bell inequality violations using high frequency electro-optic phase modulation. Several groups [Luk17, Cap10, Ima2017, Kue17] have proposed different potential applications using the same phase modulation techniques. These new works encourage to further work on frequency bin entanglement, which is a promising candidate to consolidate information processing solutions based on quantum photonics technology. Indeed the frequency domain is attractive, because (i) the frequency domain is naturally of high dimensionality, and (ii) building blocks such as frequency entangled source, modulators and filters involved in the manipulation method can be integrated on chip. This is why the frequency degree of freedom in quantum photonic undoubtedly offers a promising platform for scalable and robust quantum information processing. In this contribution, we will report on the different frequency bin entanglement architectures we have implemented using standard Telecom optoelectronic devices such as electro- optic phase modulators and filters. Proof of concept experiments will be presented demonstrating high reliability and high potentiality of the method.

[Ali16] O. Alibart et al., Journal of Optics 18, 104001 (2016). [Bar08] J T Barreiro, T C Wei, & P G Kwiat, P. G, Nature Physics, 4, 282-286 (2008).
[Cap10] J. Capmany and C. R. Fernandez-Pousa, J. Opt. Soc. Am., B 27, A119 (2010).
[Dyn09] F. Dynes,1, H. Takesue,Z. L. Yuan, A. W. Sharpe,1 K. Harada, T. Honjo, H. Kamada, O. Tadanaga, Y. Nishida, M. Asobe,& A. J. Shields, Opt. Express Vol. 17, 11440-11449 (2009)
[Dad11] A C Dada, J Leach, G S Buller, M J Padgett, & E Andersson, Nature Physics 7, 677-680 (2011).
[Ima2017] P.Imany, O. D. Odele, J. A. Jaramillo-Villegas, Daniel E. Leaird, and Andrew M. Weiner, arXiv:1709.05274v2 , 18 Sep 2017.
[Kre14] M Krenn, et al. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 111, 6243-6247 (2014).
[Kue17] M. Kues, C. Reimer, P. Roztocki1, L. Romero Cortés, S. Sciara, B. Wetzel, Y. Zhang, A. Cino, S. T. Chu, B. E. Little, D. J. Moss, L. Caspani, J. Azaña1 and R. Morandotti, Nature, 546, pp 622, 2017.
[Luk17] J. M. Lukens and P.Lougovski ,Optica, vol.4, No. 1 (2017).
[Oli10] L. Olislager, J. Cussey, A.T. Nguyen, Ph. Emplit, S. Massar, J.- M. Merolla, and K. Phan Huy, Phys. Rev. A, 82,1, 013804, 2010.
[Oli12] L. Olislager, I. Mbodji, E. Woodhead, J. Cussey, L. Furfaro, P. Emplit, S. Massar, K. P. Huy and J.- M. Merolla, New J. of Phys. 14, 043015, (2012).
[Oli14] L. Olislager, I. Mbodji, E. Woodhead, J. Cussey, L. Furfaro, P. Emplit, S. Massar, K. Phan Huy, J.-M. Merolla, Phys.Rev. A, 89,5, 052323, 2014. [Rog2016] S. Rogers, D. Mulkey, X. Lu, W. C. Jiang and Qiang Lin, ACS Photonics, 3 (10), pp. 1754-1761, 2016

Primary author

Prof. Jean-marc Merolla

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