1–26 Apr 2019
Nordita, Stockholm
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Dynamically Induced Heat Rectification in Quantum Systems

10 Apr 2019, 15:00
122:026 (Nordita, Stockholm)


Nordita, Stockholm


Anna Sanpera Trigueros


Anna Sanpera Trigueros

Dynamically Induced Heat Rectification in Quantum Systems

Heat rectifiers are systems that conduct heat asymmetrically for forward and reversed temperature gradients. We present an analytical study of heat rectification in linear quantum systems. We demonstrate that asymmetric heat currents can be induced in a linear system only if it is dynamically driven. This asymmetry emerges when the driving frequency favors the non-symmetric heat exchange processes in front of the symmetric ones. Finally, we demonstrate the feasibility of such driven harmonic network to work as a thermal transistor, quantifying its efficiency through the dynamical amplification factor.

Primary author

Prof. Anna Sanpera Trigueros

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