- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
Recent developments have revealed that non-relativistic gravity encapsulates much more than Newton’s law of gravity. Central to this has been Newton-Cartan geometry and avatars. Similar interesting structures have been observed in the opposite, ultra-relativistic regime. Models of non-relativistic gravity using non-relativistic geometry have shown that they are not only useful to describe the gravitational force in the non-relativistic regime but can also be applied as novel tools in a wide variety of fields, including holography, string theory, condensed matter and biophysical systems, hydrodynamics, double field theory and mathematics. This workshop aims to build on these recent applications of Newton-Cartan type geometries in such a wide variety of areas and collect researchers from different backgrounds to interact and exchange new ideas.
Earlier editions of this workshop have taken place in Simons Center, Stony Brook (2017), MITP, Mainz (2018) and Edinburgh (2019).
Confirmed invited speakers include
(Note: the workshops starts Monday at 9.00 am and ends Friday at lunch time)
The workshop has been postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A new date will be set once there is more clarity on the global situation.