Complex Systems and Biological Physics Seminars

Large Deviations and Fluctuation Theorem for the Quantum Heat Current

by Erik Aurell (KTH)

112:028 Nordita South

112:028 Nordita South


I will discuss heat current flowing between two baths consisting of harmonic oscillators interacting with a qubit through a spin-boson coupling. An explicit expression for the generating function of the total heat flowing between the hot and cold baths is derived by evaluating the corresponding Feynman-Vernon path integral under the non-interacting blip approximation (NIBA). This generating function satisfies the Gallavotti-Cohen fluctuation theorem, both before and after performing the NIBA.

I will present some numerical results and discuss possible extensions.

This is joint work with Brecht Donvil and Kirone Mallick, available as [arXiv:1911.00427].