zoom link : https://stockholmuniversity.zoom.us/j/622224375
Meeting ID: 622 224 375
Abstract: we study the non-equilibrium nature of phase transitions in a two-dimensional Ising system via Monte Carlo (MC) simulations that do not obey the detailed balance condition--a sufficient but not necessary condition in order to ensure convergence to equilibrium. The two most common local-update MC algorithms, the Metropolis and Glauber methods, satisfy detailed balance. Using a modified version of such algorithms, we intentionally break the detailed balance and demonstrate that the system reaches a nonequilibrium steady state (NSS), which is not described by Boltzmann statistics. From detailed numerical simulations with the modified rule of spin updates, we determined physical quantities such as Binder’s cumulant, magnetization, specific heat, and susceptibility and studied the critical behavior of the system by using finite-size scaling. We found that the critical exponents of this model (within error bars) are consistent with those of the equilibrium Ising model in two dimensions.