Title: Hydrodynamisation and entanglement in holography with dynamical boundary gravity
Abstract: This talk will start with an introduction to hydrodynamisation in an FRW universe and entanglement entropy in empty 4-dimensional de Sitter spacetime of a non-conformal QFT [1]. I first briefly describe the set-up and show how a hydrodynamic plasma dilutes and falls out of equilibrium due to expansion towards empty de Sitter spacetime. Interestingly, in the empty setting we can show that extremal surfaces in the holographic dual of spherical entangling regions on the boundary QFT probe beyond the dual event horizon if and only if the entangling region is larger than the cosmological horizon. Finally, I will show new technical advances that allowed us to dynamically evolve the boundary metric in accordance with the Friedmann equations [2]. Depending on the boundary cosmological constant this leads to de Sitter, asymptotically flat or Big Crunch cosmologies.
[1] Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Christian Ecker, David Mateos and WS, Strong-coupling dynamics and entanglement in de Sitter space, 2011.08194 (SciPost Phys)
[2] Christian Ecker, WS, David Mateos and Jorge Casalderrey-Solana, Holographic Evolution with Dynamical Boundary Gravity, 2109.10355