14–25 Aug 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Aguilera-Damia - Duality symmetries and multicriticality in 2d CFT

25 Aug 2023, 16:30


Duality symmetries and multicriticality in 2d CFT

Abstract: Conformal field theories in two dimensions are the ideal playground to explore the reach of (non-invertible) duality symmetries. In this talk, we will focus on the interesting interplay between such symmetries and the phenomenon of multicriticality. Multicritical points are characterized by the appearance of additional marginal operators and are quite ubiquitous along two dimensional conformal manifolds. After an account of the well known case of the KT point at c=1, we will comment on some recent findings taking place at the c=2 conformal manifold.

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