Two-mode Schrödinger-cat states with nonlinear optomechanics: generation and verification of non-Gaussian mechanical entanglement

Albano 3: 6228 - Mega (22 seats) (Albano Building 3)

Albano 3: 6228 - Mega (22 seats)

Albano Building 3


Speaker: Lydia Kanari-Naish (Imperial College London)

Of crucial importance for optomechanics is the generation and verification of non-Gaussian states of motion and a key outstanding challenge is the observation of a canonical two-mode Schrodinger-cat state in the displacement of two mechanical oscillators. In this talk [1], I will discuss a pulsed approach that utilizes the nonlinearity of the radiation-pressure interaction combined with photon-counting measurements to generate this entangled non-Gaussian mechanical state. I will also outline a protocol using subsequent pulsed interactions to verify the non-Gaussian entanglement generated. This pulsed verification protocol allows quadrature moments of the two mechanical oscillators to be measured up to any finite order providing a toolset for experimental characterisation of bipartite mechanical quantum states and allowing a broad range of inseparability criteria to be evaluated.


[1] L. A. Kanari-Naish, J. Clarke, S. Qvarfort, M. R. Vanner, Quantum Sci. Technol. 7 035012 (2022)