Complex Systems and Biological Physics Seminars

Quantum Jamming: Critical Properties of a Quantum Mechanical Perceptron

by Dr Claudia Artiaco (KTH)

AlbaNova C4:3059 - Café Planck (AlbaNova Main Building)

AlbaNova C4:3059 - Café Planck

AlbaNova Main Building


In this talk, I will present a recent study on the jamming transition in the quantum perceptron model. The perceptron can be seen as the model of a particle constrained on an N-dimensional sphere, with N → ∞, and subjected to a set of randomly placed obstacles. Such a model has several applications, ranging from learning protocols to the effective description of the dynamics of an ensemble of infinite-dimensional hard spheres in Euclidean space. I will show that the critical exponents of the quantum jamming transition are different from the classical ones and that the quantum jamming transition, unlike the typical quantum critical points, is not confined to the zero-temperature axis, and the classical results are recovered only at T = ∞. These findings have implications for the theory of glasses at ultra-low temperatures and the study of quantum machine-learning algorithms.



[1] Artiaco, C., Balducci, F., Parisi, G., & Scardicchio, A. (2020). Quantum Jamming: Critical Properties of a Quantum Mechanical Perceptron. Physical Review A, 103(4), L040203. 

[2] Franz, S., Maimbourg, T., Parisi, G., & Scardicchio, A. (2019). Impact of jamming criticality on low-temperature anomalies in structural glasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences116(28), 13768-13773.