This will be a focused four-day workshop on recent developments centered around non-relativistic strings and holography.
Non-relativistic quantum gravity and string theory may provide a third route towards understanding relativistic quantum gravity, complementing the more conventional paths that approach the latter either from the quantum field theory or general relativity perspective. In particular, non-relativistic string theory is a corner of string theory with a Galilei-like spectrum. The formulation on a flat target spacetime was introduced already twenty years ago, but recent progress in our understanding of non-Lorentzian geometries such as Newton-Cartan geometry has enabled to formulate this sector on arbitrary curved non-relativistic spacetimes. Moreover, proposals exist for non-relativistic world-sheet models that play a role in tractable (non-relativistic) limits of holography. In the last years, this field has seen various new developments, such as beta-functions, non-relativistic background solutions, supersymmetric extensions, non-perturbative duality symmetries and study of non-relativistic D-branes and M-theory, as well as novel non-relativistic supersymmetric quantum field theories.
This workshop aims to gather researchers in this field, with the aim of stimulating collaborations and insights related to these latest developments.
Invited speakers
- Arjun Bagchi
- Eric Bergshoeff
- Jan de Boer
- Troels Harmark
- Jelle Hartong
- Emil Have
- Elias Kiritsis
- Johannes Lahnsteiner
- Rishi Mouland
- Silvia Penati
- Susanne Reffert
- Jan Rosseel
- Matthew Yu
The workshop will start after lunch time on Monday May 8th, and will end after lunch time on Thursday May 11th. There will be talks, short talks, and a panel discussion. There will also be a welcome reception on Monday afternoon, and a workshop dinner on Wednesday evening. See the detailed timetable here.
This workshop will take place in 'House 1' of the Albano campus, which is opposite the building where Nordita is located. Detailed access information will be provided to participants.
Monday 8/05: House 1, Lecture room 5
Tuesday 9/05: House 1, Lecture room 7
Wednesday 10/05: House 1, Lecture room 7
Thursday 11/05: House 1, Lecture room 7
Financial support
Limited financial support is available, both for accommodation and transport. Please contact the organizers as soon as possible via email if you wish to apply for financial support. We are committed to making this workshop accessible for people from a broad range of backgrounds, and we especially welcome applications from younger researchers working in different fields that are interested in exploring connections with non-relativistic strings and related topics.
We have reserved a limited number of rooms at Elite Hotel Arcadia for invited participants as well as participants who have applied for financial support. Other participants can also request one of these rooms at a rate of SEK 1372 per night, including breakfast, and we will let you know after registration closes if we can accommodate your request.
The Elite Hotel Arcadia is a 10-minute walk away from Nordita and is easy to reach by public transport.
Applications are now closed.
We will stream most of the talks on Zoom. Please contact one of the organizers for the link if you want to follow along online.
NOTE: unfortunately there seems to be an increase in scams targeting conferences. Nordita will never ask you for prepayment for accommodation or flights. Please disregard any such requests and contact the organizers or the Nordita events team ( if in any doubt.
Niels Obers (
Gerben Oling (
Ziqi Yan (
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