24–28 Jul 2023
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Challenges in the Post-Minkowskian Description of the Gravitational Two-Body Problem

24 Jul 2023, 14:20
Auditorium 4, Albano 2 building

Auditorium 4, Albano 2 building


Gregor Kälin


In the last few years different approaches have lead to spectacular progress in the Post-Minkowskian description of the motion and gravitational wave emission of a two-body system. Analytical results in such approaches are obtained by studying a hyperbolic encounter using tools from high energy particle physics. On our way towards higher precision and wanting to use the analytical data for bound systems we face several computational and conceptual challenges. I will first talk about challenges that we have overcome while performing these computations in our worldline description before discussing some of these challenges that we will have to overcome in the future.

Presentation materials