17–19 Oct 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Modelling the multi-messenger signals of neutron star mergers

17 Oct 2023, 11:00
FR4 (AlbaNova Main Building)


AlbaNova Main Building

Roslagstullsbacken 21, 114 21 Stockholm


Stephan Rosswog (Stockholm University)


Neutron star mergers are related to a large number of (astro-)physical questions. For example, they had long been suspected to produce gravitational waves, gamma ray bursts and -by some- to produce heavy "rapid neutron capture" elements. While overall convincing, all these conjectures were only based on indirect, often theoretical arguments and none was proven by direct observations. The situation changed dramatically on August 17, 2017 when the first ever neutron star merger was detected in both gravitational and electromagnetic waves. It confirmed many expectations, but also raised new questions.

Scientists at the OKC played crucial roles in this exciting endeavour and I will give my personal view of the development of multi-messenger astrophysics in the thriving environment at the Oskar Klein Centre. I will also discuss recent progress in modelling neutron star mergers and show some of our latest results.

Primary author

Stephan Rosswog (Stockholm University)

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