17–19 Oct 2023
AlbaNova Main Building
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Metamaterial absorbers and detectors: How to hide the notable and detect the invisible.

18 Oct 2023, 10:00
FR4 (AlbaNova Main Building)


AlbaNova Main Building

Roslagstullsbacken 21, 114 21 Stockholm


Jon Gudmundsson (Stockholm University)


Cunning instrument design is at the core of most successful endeavors in experimental physics. In this talk, I will describe hardware efforts at the OKC motivated by our desire to address fundamental questions in cosmology and astroparticle physics. The talk will cover some of the fun (and not-so-fun) challenges associated with designing tunable plasmonic resonators and broadband absorbers for the microwave window on the Universe.

Primary author

Jon Gudmundsson (Stockholm University)

Presentation materials