Invited Talks

Anders Nilsson, Stockholm University, Sweden   
Experimental studies of water's second critical point    

Beatrice Ruta, Researcher at CNRS, Néel Institut, France   
High pressure induced dichotomy in metallic glass-formers    

Christian Gutt, University of Siegen, Germany   
Dynamics in dense protein solutions - new insights from XPCS experiments    

Lars Pettersson, Stockholm University, Sweden,   
Probing Water Structure around Dissolved Argon by Extended X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) Spectroscopy  

Emanuela Zaccarelli, CNR-ISC and University of Rome, Italy       
Novel insights from computer simulations of microgels    

Anna Strander, Lund university, Sweden    
Dynamics of concentrated protein solutions and mixtures    

Frank Schreiber, University of Tübingen, Germany   
Proteins under crowding conditions: From phase behavior to dynamics    

Nicolas Giovambattista, City University of New York, Brooklyn College, USA   
The Importance of Fluctuations in Amorphous ice    

Paola Gallo, University Roma Tre, Italy   
Molecular dynamics simulations of supercooled aqueous solutions: from ions to biomolecules, the effect of different solutes on water behavior    

Kyung Hwan Kim, Chemistry Dept., POSTECH, S. Korea   
Direct Observation of Dynamic Transition in Bulk Supercooled Water using FELs    

Katrin Amann-Winkel, Max Planck Institute for Polymer Res.   
XPCS at elevated pressures - pressure dependence of glassy dynamics    

Lennart Bergström, Stockholm University, Sweden  
Dynamics and structural diversity of concentrated nanoparticle dispersions    

Aymeric Robert, MAX IV laboratory, Sweden      
Status and Perspective on probing dynamics in disordered matter at MAX IV Laboratory    

Heloisa Nunes Bordallo, University of Copenhagen, Denmark   
Learning a lot from a little: is artificial intelligence magic dust for big-science facilities?

Kristine Niss, Roskilde University, Denmark  
Testing isomorph theory with high pressure experiments on liquids and glasses    

Minna Patanen, University of Oulu, Finland  
Aqueous clusters and nanoaerosols studied using X-ray spectroscopy and single particle diffraction imaging  

Martin Weik, Institut de Biologie Structurale, France 
Dynamics of amyloid fibers and their hydration water as studied by neutron spectroscopy