12–14 Aug 2024
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Ultrafast and Coherent Dynamics in Strong Coupled Light-Matter Systems through Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy (2DES)

12 Aug 2024, 18:00
1h 30m
Albano Building 3

Albano Building 3

Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden


Federico Toffoletti (University of Padova)


The ability to manipulate light at the nanoscale is greatly enhanced by the tremendous progress done in the field of plasmonic nanoparticles. Their high versatility enables the confinement and control of very strong electric fields, making these nanosystems ideal candidates for polaritonic states formation when combined with strong quantum emitters, such as molecular excitons. The resulting polaritonic nanosystems, known as plexcitonic nanosystems, offer immense potential due to their tunable optical properties at the nanoscale. In the realm of nanophotonics and quantum technologies, advanced techniques such as two-dimensional electronic spectroscopy (2DES) and pump-probe methods provide a means to explore the ultrafast and coherent dynamics of these systems. Despite the progress made, the intricate ultrafast dynamics involved in hybrid light-matter states remain incompletely understood, prompting our focus in this research. In our works we couple colloidal gold nanorods with organic dyes to achieve the strong coupling condition. Subsequently, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of the coherent and incoherent ultrafast behaviors of uncoupled colloidal gold nanorods, followed by a comparative study with plexcitonic nanosystems. The objective of our research is to contribute to an exhaustive understanding and exploitation of strong light-matter interactions at the nanoscale. We believe that our findings will advance the fundamental understanding of these phenomena but also pave the way for practical applications in the development of nanophotonic and quantum technologies.

Primary author

Federico Toffoletti (University of Padova)


elisabetta collini (Dept of Chemical Sciences, University of Padova)

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