12–14 Aug 2024
Albano Building 3
Europe/Stockholm timezone

Cavity-induced non-adiabatic properties in molecular systems:Lindblad versus Schrödinger description

12 Aug 2024, 09:45
Albano Building 3

Albano Building 3

Hannes Alfvéns väg 12, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Invited Talk Monday Morning


Ágnes Vibók (University of Debrecen)


The exchange of energy between electronic and nuclear motion is the origin of non-adiabaticity and plays an important role in many molecular phenomena and pro-cesses. Conical intersections (CIs) of different electronic potential energy surfaces lead to the most singular non-adiabaticity and have been intensely investigated. The
coupling of light and matter induces conical intersections which are termed light-induced conical intersections (LICIs). There are two kinds of LICIs, those induced by classical (laser) light and those by quantum light like that provided by a cavity.
During the talk we present the subject of LICIs, discussing the achievements made so far. In contrast to natural CIs, the properties of which are dictated by nature, the properties
of their light-induced counterparts are controllable by choosing the frequency and intensity (or coupling to the cavity) of the external light source. This opens the door to inducing and manipulating various kinds of non-adiabatic effects. Several exam-ples of diatomic and polyatomic molecules are presented covering both dynamics and
spectroscopy. The computational methods employed are discussed as well. To our opinion, the young field of LICIs and their impact show much future potential.

Primary author

Ágnes Vibók (University of Debrecen)


Prof. Gábor J. Halász (University of Debrecen) Prof. Lorenz S. Cederbaum (University of Heidelberg) Dr Csaba Fábri (HUN-REN--ELTE)

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