29–31 Oct 2024
Albano Building 2
Europe/Stockholm timezone

TTbar in d dimensions from Massive Gravity

31 Oct 2024, 11:30
Albano 2: C2207 - Auditorium 4 (80 seats) (Albano Building 2)

Albano 2: C2207 - Auditorium 4 (80 seats)

Albano Building 2



Evangelos Tsolakidis (University of Iceland)


In this talk, I will present a systematic approach to stress-tensor deformations in d dimensions, using the massive gravity formulation. In two dimensions, the resulting deforming operator is of quadratic order and correctly reduces to TTbar or TTbar+Λ_2 at certain limits. Moreover, the quantum mechanical spectrum of this generalized operator exhibits interesting behaviour. In d>2, higher order terms also appear, but the quadratic part of the deformation precisely matches with prior findings. Under certain assumptions, all but the quadratic terms vanish identically.

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